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It's Finished!!!

I just sent the completed manuscript of Stolen Knight (Knights of Kilbourne Book 4) off to my publisher and editor. IT'S FINISHED!!!

Well, it's finished until I get editing notes back, and have to make changes. But, for now, it's done, and I'm super excited to have this next installment on the way to publication. It is, as my granddad liked to say, a real rip-snorter.

Here's the (very tentative) log-line for the front cover:

Purloined magic… A mysterious jewel… A demonic menace… A world in the balance…

Not exactly the way Morgan and Marissa intended to spend their honeymoon.

On the sad side, my erstwhile editor, Nikki Andrews, is retiring from her position as an editor at Champagne Books. Awesome egg that she is, she held off on her retirement just so she could work on Stolen Knight, and I'm amazingly grateful. We've made a terrific team over the years, and my books wouldn't have been nearly as good as they are without her able assistance. Once more, into the breach, dear editor, before you can actually put down your red pencil.

Finally, and many of you have seen this before, here's a little video I created to give a flavor of the elements of the story. Hope you like it.

In closing, I just want to say how excited I am to share this story with my readers this year. It's been almost two years since the release of Enchanted Knight. I know it's a long time to wait between stories, and I really appreciate your patience as I navigate the delicate balance of home, work, and writing life. But trust me--I think you're going to feel it was worth the wait.

Until next time...



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