Hiding in the Editing Cave
I recently received my editorial notes back from Nikki, my editor. I've been through the first 24 chapters and made requested changes for Enchanted Knight--so far, mostly small grammatical/mechanical issues.
There may be some bigger changes to come--culling out some extraneous chapters that delve too much into subsidiary characters points of view in the story. Hopefully I'll get to this soon.
But right now, know that things are on schedule. Nikki and I have a deadline of February 1st to get the completed, fully edited manuscript back to Champagne Books for formatting. The manuscript will go through another round of edits, this time copy edits rather than substantive edits.
So the target date for release is early April 2020. It *might* be March, but probably April.
Hang in there, folks. Morgan and Marissa will be back soon, with their wildest adventure yet.