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Happy Anniversary, Desperate Knight

Wow! I can't believe today is one year since Desperate Knight, the second tale in the Knights of Kilbourne series, was published.

It takes a team to make a book. Sure, the writer is the key--no writer, no story. But there are an awful lot of other people who get involved along the way. So thanks to Cassie Knight, publisher at Champagne Books, Nikki Andrews, editor extraordinaire, and Trisha FitzGerald, the cover artist who helps readers judge a book by its cover.

And a special thanks to my wonderful wife, Patty Willis, whose mad proofreading skills saved me from a host of semi-colonoscopies and kept me from falling into a comma. I couldn't do what I do, writing- and other-wise, without you, Patty.

And of course what's the other thing a book needs? Readers! All the time and effort and crying on the keyboard and chopping up writers' blocks would be for naught if no one actually reads the book. So for all of you who have invested your hard-earned dollars, your time, and your trust and chosen to pick up a copy of Desperate Knight, I say, "THANK YOU VERY MUCH!" You are why I do what I do.


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