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DESPERATE KNIGHT is almost here!

DESPERATE KNIGHT, the long-awaited sequel to TRAITOR KNIGHT, will be released by Champagne Books on Monday, August 7, 2017. If you've been following my journey to publication on this book, you know it's been a long time coming. I'm so thrilled to finally see this tale ready to be launched out into the world.

Of course the story centers once again on Sir Morgan McRobbie and Lady Marissa duBerry and their rocky road to romance. But along the way they must deal with a diabolical plot designed to plunge humans and Dwarves into war; a centuries old feud; a wizard with startling revelations; and an unexpected rival for Marissa's affection. Not to mention ghosts from the past, both literal and figurative.

With all the action, adventure, romance and humor you've come to expect from the Knights of Kilbourne, DESPERATE KNIGHT introduces a host of new characters, friend and foe, and brings back everyone's' favorite dragon, Wyvrendell.

Click the link to reserve your digital copy of DESPERATE KNIGHT. Launch Day is August 7, 2017. Paperback editions will be available shortly thereafter. And if you're in the NY Capital District area and would like an autographed paperback copy, I'll them within a few days of the paperback launch. If you're farther afield, I can still provide an inscribed copy--it'll just be a couple of extra crowns for shipping via dragon. Contact me at for details.

Thanks for your patience as you've waited for this book. It's been a long process in both the writing and editing, but I think you'll find it worth the wait.


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