Reflections on Autumn Leaves

Yesterday I participated in the Glens Falls Chronicle's 21st annual Autumn Leaves Book Fair. This was my second appearance, and I have to say that both times the event was fabulous. Well organized, a great venue (the historic Queensbury Hotel, built in 1926), and flawlessly executed.
Approximately 120 authors and book-focused organizations were in attendance, as were book-lovers in droves. Offerings ranged from children's books to local history (and there's a LOT of history in this Adirondack region) to non-fiction, literary fiction, and genre fiction. Many of the authors, including myself and my friend and table-mate Dave Kalish (author of The Opposite of Everything), got a chance to read brief excerpts from our work to appreciative audiences, and to interact with the other authors and attendees at the fair. And to sell books.
So many thanks to Cathy DeDe, the publisher of the Chronicle, and her dedicated group of staff and volunteers who work so hard to bring this event to fruition each year. I think I can speak for each and every one of the authors at the fair when I say that we appreciate the opportunity to show off our work to all the people who eagerly look forward to attending this event each year. The exposure we as authors get from this event is invaluable--it's awfully hard to sell books if no one knows they're out there.
I'm already looking forward to next year.