Votes Needed- Desperate Knight is in a Cover Contest
My #fantasy #romance novel #DesperateKnight has been nominated for the Cover of The Month Award on! I think Trisha FitzGerald's cover artwork is pretty amazing, and I hope you do as well.

I'd appreciate it if you'd please take a few seconds to vote for Desperate Knight's cover and help me win this thing! Okay, yeah, it's mainly just for bragging rights, but that's okay. Here's the link:
Each person can vote once in this round (to weed the list from 225 down to 100); the next round (when you can vote again) will start on July 7th.
To vote for Desperate Knight's cover, all you need to do is follow the link and click on the "VOTE" button. No registration, no worries about getting on someone's annoying email list.
Thanks. I'll post updates along the way!