Back in the Saddle

It's been quite a while since I've posted anything here. I'll confess to being overly busy. The holiday season, my son visiting from Ohio for two weeks, and desperately working on my finishing touches for Desperate Knight.

But the holidays are over, the son's gone back to his lair, and I managed to meet my deadline of turning in my manuscript to my editor, with all pre-edits done, by December 31st.

So now I should have some free time, right? Right. Ok, so I took a couple of days off from writing-related stuff. Except for the awesome and fun Facebook party hosted by my publisher, Champagne Books, on New Year's Day. Which ran from 11am to 9pm, and kept me occupied and off the streets for a goodish chunk of the day. Except for the fact that my publisher entered Traitor Knight in the Critters/Preditors&Editors Readers Poll, and I've been spending tons of time trolling for votes. The voting runs through January 14th, by the way, and while I'm standing in 6th place at the moment (out of 50 entries) I could definitely use some more votes to move up in the standings. If you're so inclined, you can vote here Books are listed by title in alpha order, so you'll find Traitor Knight near the bottom of the list. No cash prizes are involved--this is strictly for status, bragging rights, and publicity. And as any author can tell you, publicity is a huge factor in garnering readers, reviews, and (dare I whisper it?) sales.

And in addition to all that I'm trying to keep up the day job (somethings gotta pay the bills, and it sure ain't book sales), undeck the halls, write a blog post for my upcoming monthly turn on The Writers Vineyard, and work on book three in the Knights of Kilbourne series, Bewitched Knight. I'd written about 20,000 words on this book several years ago, but it is in desperate need of revision. I'm really not sure where the story is going, or if what I've written so far has any real bearing on what I want to do. Hoping Morgan, Marissa and co. will give me some clues here as to what's going on.

I also will (hopefully) have time to do some reading. There are a lot of great books coming out that I'm eager to read and review in the Overdue Book Review portion of this website. And I've got to come up with content for my newsletter to keep it fresh and interesting. Suggestions welcomed for this latter part of my to-do list.

And with that, I've put off working on Bewitched Knight long enough for today. Back to Kilbourne, on the double!
