Writing@Knight has a new website. Huzzah!

Welcome to keithwillisauthor.com. It's my new website for all things about Kilbourne (and dragons). About Morgan and Marissa. And dragons. About...well, dragons.

Well, ok, maybe not quite so much about dragons...

I've been busy behind the scenes working like a Dwarf in a mine to finish off this new website. I think it looks pretty great, and should be easier for people to find.

In between all the various events I've been involved in lately (both writing- and non-writing related) I've managed to squeeze in a little time to set this up and make it more accessible and easier to navigate. I'll still be adding some pages here and there, and adding links to other authors websites.

In the meantime, please let me know what you think of the new site. I'd love to hear some feedback and what you like, don't like, or would like to see from me in the future.

May your skies by filled with dragons!

